Nancy Ajram - Lessa Gaia A'olloh(原版立体声伴奏)
Lisa gaya aolo ala gowaya sabani ali inti gowaya
Ou ali ali bidareeh, roht ramya nifsi gowa ah'ano
Ou olt Aumri kolo alashano, ma da eli kont nifsi feeh
La amilt hsab lilnas wala hata lay kalam
Ehsass witsab yila babeato walo awam
Magnona ana beih o haaf min eih
Fi Had yeshof ahlamo uado mayelmis-hash
Da saat elof bi'ia lah'a mabiaish-hash
Da ana Aisht sneen Aashan alaeeh
Kol kilma alha lisa fakraha, ou kol limas mino hasaha
Hayati ahla bein eideih howa da eli houbo adni fi thawani
Ou howa da eli orbo alani ahib aumri bili feeh
English translation:
I came to him and was just about to tell him what's inside me, he beat me to it and said "You're inside me"
And told me what he cares for, I went and threw myself into his embrace
And said that my whole life is for him, this is what I wanted in the first place
I didn't care about the people, or what was to be said by them
A feeling and it was left to come out naturally
I'm crazy about him, what should I be afraid from
Is there anyone who would see his dreams next to him and not touch them
Sometimes fear gets lost for a moment, it doesn't exist
I have lived many years just to meet him
I still remember every word that came out from him, and I can still feel every touch
My life is more beautiful in his hands, his love is the one who took me away in seconds
And his closeness is what made me love my life and what's in it