


韩语翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 2759

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] Infinite-BTD (2.ver) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-5-27 92947 strongm0002 2017-12-3 06:27:49
[翻唱] 2ne1-最走紅(with大蘿卜) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-22 32217 strongm0002 2017-12-3 06:20:35
[翻唱] all alone - 金在中 话说好久没录在在的歌了!~ attach_img loeb 2013-10-24 41643 strongm0002 2017-12-1 23:05:53
[翻唱] 玉珠炫 - 不能说爱你 (男声版) attach_img TDLC 2013-9-9 11251 strongm0002 2017-12-1 22:43:25
[翻唱] Boa-《Only one》 attachment heatlevel  ...23 tatu12346 2012-11-21 276668 strongm0002 2017-12-1 22:26:36
[翻唱] 李孝利《韩国小姐》男版 attachment 爱你的句子 2013-7-12 82200 strongm0002 2017-12-1 22:17:05
[翻唱] 素香《不要忘记我》 attachment dujuan8265 2013-8-5 31881 strongm0002 2017-12-1 21:40:20
[翻唱] Beast-下雨的日子 attachment 棉花糖。 2012-6-5 31851 strongm0002 2017-12-1 17:46:01
[翻唱] 我们不是相爱吗 翻唱~~ attachment 悲伤的玩偶 2013-4-24 71937 strongm0002 2017-12-1 15:50:25
[翻唱] 【翻唱】切歌型串烧 attachment analizia 2011-2-7 62965 strongm0002 2017-12-1 15:45:04
[翻唱] 白智英--不要忘记...男声~~ attachment  ...2 梦别醒 2010-6-1 155577 strongm0002 2017-12-1 15:16:00
[翻唱] 许阁-1440 attachment 缪0307 2013-4-20 11501 strongm0002 2017-12-1 15:08:56
[翻唱] Stand Up 心意&允 attachment ophiria 2013-1-20 31723 strongm0002 2017-12-1 14:59:50
[翻唱] 不要叫我名字——李秀英 attachment 佑岸|佐转 2013-4-11 31739 strongm0002 2017-12-1 14:36:43
[翻唱] never again——李秀英 attachment 佑岸|佐转 2013-4-11 11630 strongm0002 2017-12-1 13:02:13
[翻唱] G-Dragon┇Heartbreaker attachment  ...2 AnysKim 2011-9-22 113835 strongm0002 2017-12-1 12:39:44
[翻唱] GD, Crayon (初来乍道)多多支持 。谢谢大家 。 attach_img S.toneth.L 2012-12-29 82127 strongm0002 2017-12-1 12:04:07
[翻唱] Infinite-She's back总攻霸气侧漏拦不住啊 attachment 澈不寂寞 2011-11-16 42127 strongm0002 2017-12-1 11:38:08
[翻唱] 原KEY唱《招待》中文填词版 attachment seeviacai 2013-8-25 12118 strongm0002 2017-12-1 11:25:38
[原创] 萨嘎萨嘎外公 凡事都是的vgs 2013-9-20 11851 strongm0002 2017-12-1 11:13:56
[翻唱] 【Super junior & C、at】She's Gone(爱已离去) attachment  ...2 cathyuk04 2011-2-21 134726 strongm0002 2017-12-1 10:52:34
[翻唱] 李承哲 - 相爱真难/사랑 참 어렵다 attachment consa 2013-7-23 52035 strongm0002 2017-12-1 10:40:38
[翻唱] 完整版This love attachment Cathy2010 2013-8-12 21729 strongm0002 2017-12-1 10:20:47
[翻唱] [韩]FACE----NRG(NRG三人时代的主打曲) attachment agree  ...23 qianqian2001 2007-2-2 236386 strongm0002 2017-12-1 10:16:26
[翻唱] Infinite-Be Mine 终于完成无限三部曲- - attachment 澈不寂寞 2011-9-22 62442 strongm0002 2017-12-1 10:13:26
[翻唱] 东方神起出道曲-Hug(with Mo.ER) attachment  ...2 澈不寂寞 2012-9-10 153375 strongm0002 2017-12-1 10:06:41
[翻唱] Leessang- Turn off the tv 关掉电视 티비를 껐어 attachment 抛物线光秋 2016-4-22 11246 strongm0002 2017-12-1 09:37:28
[翻唱] outsider-孤独的(외톨이,单身汉) attachment ziweijiang 2013-9-1 81931 strongm0002 2017-12-1 09:29:07
[翻唱] F(x) - Nu ABO attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 nicorobin 2010-6-21 4815302 strongm0002 2017-12-1 09:23:32
[翻唱] 少女时代 - Gee attachment chiyoko 2009-1-20 72119 strongm0002 2017-12-1 09:19:30
[翻唱] ★·°韩灬李孝利灬不要爱上她 attach_img 含雨泞 2012-9-20 41701 strongm0002 2017-12-1 08:34:35
[翻唱] 我相信 - 东方神起- 熙伦爱俊 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 熙伦爱俊 2009-3-15 7019212 strongm0002 2017-12-1 08:31:57
[翻唱] FTIsland-여자는 몰라[女人不懂] attachment agree  ...234 Ritsuki_小肯 2009-8-3 308750 strongm0002 2017-12-1 08:26:21
[翻唱] [韩文翻唱]Beautiful Thing-东方神起俊秀滴 attachment  ...234 twlxjnd 2007-6-13 319011 strongm0002 2017-12-1 08:23:10
[翻唱] 【U-Kiss】 Standing still attachment ggzone 2013-5-4 32600 strongm0002 2017-12-1 08:04:08
[翻唱] BIGBANG-LOVE SONG(3rd with XNVIP5 attachment 澈不寂寞 2012-8-18 81875 strongm0002 2017-12-1 07:52:32
[翻唱] 雷-FTISLAND attachment  ...2 鱼#尔 2009-12-26 103081 strongm0002 2017-12-1 07:46:35
[翻唱] 翻一首T-ara老歌《因为你疯了》 attachment  ...2 analizia 2014-8-4 112846 strongm0002 2017-12-1 07:18:43
[翻唱] 金俊秀 & 张力尹 - Timeless attachment TDLC 2014-5-9 71758 strongm0002 2017-12-1 07:12:23
[翻唱] Taetiseo - 窃窃私语(whisper) attachment yi6257 2014-11-7 62043 strongm0002 2017-12-1 07:05:38

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