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欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
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论坛灌水处罚细则,大家务必看看  ...23456..11 伴奏金手指 2006-1-10 108336566 terryfeng39 2009-6-5 17:57:55
如何在本站获得发帖资格,新手必看! 子山居士 2011-4-25 148261 PennyTmac 2011-4-25 15:04:26
关于立体声伴奏几个参数"频率,码率,频谱"的说明 attach_img 子山居士 2011-4-7 146287 PennyTmac 2011-4-7 11:21:56
全站置顶 近期盗号严重,请大家及时修改新密码,以策安全!!!  ...234 子山居士 2012-4-5 3671343 qq361243662 2012-12-12 12:07:21
全站置顶 举报”搬运者" "伴奏转卖者" 奖励10-50金币。  ...23456..13 devil.宝 2015-8-29 12197107 helenshen753159 2021-6-30 21:55:33
关于《蒙面唱将猜猜猜》等音乐节目部分歌曲伴奏有删减现象的声明 Dolin陈冬霖 2016-12-19 018430 Dolin陈冬霖 2016-12-19 13:45:03
全站置顶 近期华语新歌伴奏预告(截至2017年4月27日) 東京小超人 2011-8-30 439575 神鹰小子 2020-4-25 08:21:05
全站置顶 人民币伴奏交易区成立通告 (试营业) devil.宝 2015-10-25 01509 devil.宝 2015-10-25 09:06:53
全站置顶 伴奏制作商业交易区相关制度及公告(2015年8月15日)  ...23 devil.宝 2015-8-15 2836531 xiaoliangzi520 2019-1-4 14:35:25
关于音乐节目(演唱会)伴奏残留原声的个人观点及说明 Dolin陈冬霖 2016-12-13 619576 Dolin陈冬霖 2016-12-20 20:24:23
分区置顶 为什么我上传的歌曲没有在线试听呢?  ...23456..13 夏树儿 2008-8-27 125104136 旺甾 2018-12-17 17:03:41
本版置顶 [公告] 首届“LIVE POWER” 仙来歌唱大赛 决赛结果!  ...234 Domian 2011-8-23 3021697 liuaidy 2017-5-18 12:04:02
本版置顶 [公告] [公告]〓欧美翻唱区版规〓&本区交流QQ群号  ...23456..15 wooohu 2005-6-9 14083981 sxllove530 2017-3-28 16:27:26
[翻唱] [Shakira]Waka Waka(This Time For Africa) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..28 Jalam 2010-6-29 27655412 Will880129 2017-3-8 09:47:42
[翻唱] 玉树不倒!青海长青! 2010玉树版 We Are The World 25人大合唱 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 DayT 2010-5-4 11428296 zorro66 2011-9-22 13:34:22
[翻唱] 我这仙来史上★最强★的Telephone翻唱(这个是最强大版本)!!点顶的同学请留言,不要那么矜持好吧? attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..10 玩的是嘛 2010-5-21 9321864 kevinlymon 2011-12-27 00:19:28
[翻唱] 【Just One Last Dance】by Me&大U attachment digest recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..37 melodia 2009-12-12 36975036 cheer_yi 2016-10-18 17:33:06
[翻唱] Jason Mraz - I'm Yours (HBD to honey^^♥) attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..24 MesC 2010-1-31 23949497 校长 2018-4-26 13:27:08
[翻唱] 【功夫姐弟来啦!】Never Say Never - Performed by 暖样样 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..9 艾小样儿 2010-8-25 8224968 MyronHe 2017-8-17 23:25:06
[翻唱] Price Tag - Jessie J. =3333= attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..16 Jalam 2011-7-16 15237708 darknessfalls 2017-2-4 00:03:04
[翻唱] 【CRY ME OUT】小死阿里嘎多very very much attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..9 britneylee 2010-9-26 8022617 G线上の魔王 2017-2-5 21:04:38
[翻唱] Gravity attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 xieshulei 2010-7-7 4511849 小小胡杰 2011-11-28 19:37:30
[翻唱] 【RJ Ft. Taco】 Telephone (我們也來個"電話") (OA: Lady Gaga Ft. Beyonce) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..16 kwocenting 2010-3-11 15036515 darknessfalls 2017-2-4 00:05:37
[翻唱] Morning After Dark --- Timbaland ft. Soshy & Nelly (D.A.Z presents) 归来之作 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..13 Domian 2010-3-4 12230352 vavavoom 2013-5-6 23:14:11
[翻唱] [desafinado]拉丁拉丁第二炮……很难唱滴歌。。终于学会鸟XX attachment recommend heatlevel whylee 2013-4-3 73502 zorro66 2013-4-27 14:41:50
[翻唱] ●●●完整版Justin Bieber—Baby (女聲rap ver.)●●●出爐!於是~俺還是自己rap了~~大家來聽聽吧~ attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..20 艾小样儿 2010-4-24 19941704 洋喊 2014-1-30 01:37:01
[翻唱] Little House To Black.Dr(Song form the movie Dear John ) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...234 britneylee 2010-8-7 389439 jsyzyoyodyt 2010-11-21 20:39:50
[翻唱] Ne-yo Because of you 女生翻唱重磅出击! attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 景小猪 2010-3-31 28159650 凉茶 2014-7-27 17:52:30
[翻唱] 【HBD Damian】Butterfly Fly Away with Morris(另附一神秘版本哦!!) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 艾小样儿 2010-8-10 5216989 mileymiley 2014-7-28 17:27:24
[翻唱] 【洋气四人组】Patron Tequila (RJ, 云の泣, britneylee, 樱桃走失 Ft. DayT, 艾小样儿) (OA: Paradiso Girls Ft. Lil' Jon & Eve) 等到了!!!终于等到了!!!不容易啊!!!!!洋气指数 100!!!!! attachment recommend heatlevel  ...2345 kwocenting 2012-2-19 4214129 kevin2004 2012-12-7 17:56:34
[翻唱] 七夕快乐之【Breathe】 feat. britneylee attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 weepclouds 2010-8-16 5213544 lisa_wyx 2013-5-14 14:20:14
[翻唱] KloudZ ft. 小啊 - Airplanes Pt. 1 不听不后悔听了也不会后悔的精华作品 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..15 KloudZ 2011-3-1 14634519 寂蓝 2015-1-9 16:37:18
[翻唱] listen(oye)listen(oye)西班牙语版,ft ZORRO哥 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..9 zorro66 2011-1-27 8323141 wswwgb3111111 2015-5-27 16:03:11
[翻唱] [Share the joy 09圣诞人气歌曲获奖作品] Lomuz&Mes&Sisam - A Cappella版<Last Christmas> attachment digest recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 MesC 2009-12-25 7828022 monk4me 2018-8-20 11:00:53
[翻唱] Q - I Need You Now 再次尝试不可能的任务 阳光下嚎叫福音一首 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..17 Mu-Q 2010-9-4 16742714 strongm0002 2019-7-7 20:32:17
[翻唱] Rix睎睎殿 Ft. Britney暖 - Love Dealer attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..8 睎睎 2010-6-16 7822934 bonnie1ove 2011-7-16 00:07:37
[翻唱] Xianlai IDOL 复赛上传 --- Rude Boy效果已更新 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..13 britneylee 2010-4-15 12725209 wyy2311445 2011-11-3 12:18:11
[翻唱] BESAME MUCHO besame mucho(★世界名曲☆) 拉丁控 FT ZORRO哥 attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..10 zorro66 2011-1-12 9226722 wowhehe 2018-4-7 18:22:02
[翻唱] love the way you lie attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..21 ciwei888 2010-10-31 20037298 mimo800 2012-4-19 02:25:41
[翻唱] littlest things---开学哒啦~~送首歌给大家! attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 britneylee 2009-2-18 13327892 jayly83 2012-6-28 11:15:08

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