
炎籾: 繁伏の跚 - 幢坪まりや [嬉咫云匈]

恬宀: Lament    扮寂: 2007-8-11 19:48:29     炎籾: 繁伏の跚 - 幢坪まりや

繁伏の跚 - 幢坪まりや

恬~砦馗擇泙蠅 恬爆砦馗擇泙蠅

敢がまた栖るたび ひとつ定を嶷ね
朕に啌る尚弼も 富しずつ笋錣襪
櫃砲呂靴磴い任 嘛い晩はhく
櫃つけば励噴揃を 埆えた暴がいる
佚じられない堀さで rが^ぎ肇ると 岑ってしまったら
どんな弌さなことも えていたいと 伉が冱ったよ

I say it's fun to be 20
You say it's great to be 30
And they say it's lovely to be 40
But I feel it's nice to be 50

咲_の@や 弼づく表のt~を
この枠いったい採業 ることになるだろう
ひとつひとつ 繁伏の跚を_けては 湖じるその嶷さ
ひとりひとり 曚垢詒砲燭舛里燭瓩 伏きてゆきたいよ

I say it's fine to be 60
You say it's alright to be 70
And they say still good to be 80
But I'll maybe live over 90

埴のデニムの楳が 擁せてゆくほど 龍わいすように
Lい唾揃の惚てに xく採かが lにでもあるさ

I say it's sad to get weak
You say it's hard to get older
And they say that life has no meaning
But I still believe it's worth living
But I still believe it's worth living

[ 云愉恷朔喇 jN.MIYU 噐 2007-8-11 22:48 園辞 ]

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